Thursday, May 7, 2009

significance thru relationships,

Whether we like it or not, every one of us has a lifespan. Some people live long enough to see their great grandchildren but some don't. If we have an hour-glass in front of us that represents our life, seeing the sand going through the tiny little hole every second without stopping, we can imagine how fast time passes. A statistic has shown that an average person who lives long enough to 70 years old would have spent 23 years sleeping, 17 years working, 11 years in entertainment like watching television and playing computer games, 7 years traveling, 6 years eating, 3 years preparing or getting ready such as make-up and the last 3 years going to church
Time is life. We can choose to spend it, waste it or invest it.We can find significance in our relationships with others when friends and the people around us are blessed. Mother Teresa left a legacy in this world by giving her life to bless and serve millions of people in India and her name is well praised among all. Luke 18:18-24 tells us the story about the rich young ruler. He has done what was supposed to be done except only one thing, he was not willing to sell his possessions to bless the poor.

first key to find significance through relationships:
1) Bless others!

Don't be a taker. Be a giver! Jesus Himself has set the example by given His life to us for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age, Galatians 1:4 and 2:20 and He is remembered by millions of people! God Himself gave His only begotten son to die for us in John 3:16. God called Abraham who was a very wealthy man in his time to leave his country in Genesis 12:1-3 so that he can be a blessing to the nations. He is remembered as the man of great faith not only in Christianity but also in the other 2 great religions of the world, Judaism and Islam. How can we bless others? We can choose to bless others by serving them. Mark 10:42-45 tells us that in order to be great one must be the servant. Verse 45, even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many. There is a story about the people living in heaven and hell. In both places all people were seated at a banquet table laden with food however the forks and spoons had very long handles. In hell, the situation was messy because everyone was trying to eat with the long spoons and forks and they ended up being frustrated and hungry. The opposite happened in heaven. The people there have chosen to feed one another with the long spoons and forks and they were all happy and satisfied

Money spent can be earned but not our time! The choice is ours. We can choose to invest our lives in others and finding significance and fulfillment in this life or choose to spend it on ourselves. What is our mindset today? Do we want to be successful like the rich ruler in Luke 18:18 or to be significant in the lives of others? Success does not ensure that you will leave a legacy. If we live for success only, we will be frustrated men. Our primary goal in life should be to move from success to significance. The key is to be a blessing to other people! Give our lives, our time, our energy and our talents in helping others to become successful, happy and fulfilled!
(devotional archive from chc)

Dear God’s Seekers, let make a decision today to be a blessing to others. My prayer is that as we fall in love with God more, He will give us His nature to love and give to people and we will leave a legacy for His glory.


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